Friday, January 30, 2009

Merhaba Istanbul!

So I am in Istanbul now.

My flights were long and boring, with lots of Zzzz and a mini wine party. My impression of Heathrow Airport is that of a space age abattoir, where people are herded around between out-of-scale structures and glass boxes. Of Ataturk Airport, their efficiency amazes me. The luggage carousel had completely stopped moving by the time I walked over to pick up my suitcase.

Louis, my new roommate, took me on a scenic route from the airport to my new apartment, going from metro, to tram, to ferry. The entire trip was over 2 hours, but felt like half an hour. From my first impression, Istanbul looks great. I haven't explored a lot, but the amount of people and shops everywhere already excites me.

My apartment is on the Asian side of Istanbul, in Moda, Kadiköy, where maps do not document, because according to Louis, "Maps are for tourists, and tourists don't go to Kadiköy." I live with him, and two other dudes, Victor and Simon. Louis is from North Carolina, Victor from France, and Simon Germany. We're on the fourth/top floor of the building, and pretty much equipped with everything, including a non-functional vintage sewing machine. My room is the smallest, but still spacious, and though I was promised a bed, there is no bed. For now I sleep on the floor until my mattress comes!

My first night here mostly consisted of me sleeping for 12 hours straight. Today, my second day, we all went for a big walk around the neighbourhood. I still have no clue how to get anywhere; I figure I'll find out when I explore on my own. Also, grocery shopping, and oddly enough, knife shopping, since Victor decided he needed a butterfly knife. No success though, and we ended up in a cafe drinking tea and me watching them play tavla, a Turkish game similar to backgammon.

I've mostly been walking around nodding, and smiling like a loser when spoken to. Perhaps I'll be brave enough to try to speak Turkish tomorrow.

My room, complete with non-bed, bookshelf
work station and door.

Other side of my room...with my crap, new Fenerbahçe scarf (a gift from Victor), and my borrowed vintage sunglasses collection, found in the apartment.

Pretty kitchen! My favorite place in the apartment.